Monday, October 08, 2007

Train Whistles

Sometimes I lay in bed and wonder why some people go through life easily, and others have nothing but heartache. I used to believe in karma. Fate. And I suppose I still do, though some nights it's harder than others.
I'm 32 years old today. I'm 32 years old and as I lay in a new bed in a new house with my new life surrounding me, I hear a train whistle across the dark night and I can't breathe.
I am a sister and a daughter and a mother and a teacher and a lover and a dancer and a writer and I used to believe that the trains were full of people like me, running away from one life or running to another.
There's never an easy way out.
I used to believe in the goodness of humanity. Now I believe in the small disappointments. And tonight I wanted to be near those tracks with everything I thought I knew. I wanted to feel the ground shake beneath my feet, cover my ears with my hands, and scream with the universe.
For once, I wanted to hear its voice scream back at me.


At 6:00 AM, Blogger P.H. said...

Happy Birthday Red Soul Girl.

Lie quietly in that new bed, with your new bedroom window open. Listen to the train whistles welcome you into your new life. Quietly lie there, let it run through your soul.

All the best.


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