Friday, February 06, 2009


It has been too long since I last visited my own blog, my own writing, my own soul. Finding time has been my excuse, finding inspiration the reason hiding behind it. I am back to teaching creative writing. Baby steps back into my own voice as well. It is is rumored that Hemingway was once asked to write a story in six words. The result? "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

This is the ultimate in brevity. And so I have been writing my own six word memoirs. Here are some of the results:

Always taking chances on Prince Charming.

Found my soul on the beach.

Conservative English teacher: secretly a rebel.

Have cat and child, will travel.

Married, Divorced, then fell in love.

Living life as if on vacation.

Old soul at 8, young at 33.

Life got in way of writing.

Lost soul mate, found real one.